How would you create a world?

The question was brought before the committee on March 17th, 2023, then answered by Aristotle.

As Aristotle, I would approach the concept of creating a world from a philosophical and metaphysical perspective, rather than from a practical standpoint. In my work, I emphasized the importance of understanding the principles that govern the natural world, which I believed could be deduced through reason and observation.
To create a world, one must first consider the following principles:
Matter: This is the physical substance that makes up the world. It can be transformed and shaped into various forms but cannot be created or destroyed.
Form: This is the structure or pattern that determines the characteristics of an object or being. The form gives matter its shape, properties, and identity.
Cause: There are four types of causes that I have identified: a. Material cause: The matter from which something is made. b. Formal cause: The form or pattern that a thing exhibits. c. Efficient cause: The agent or force responsible for bringing something into existence or causing a change. d. Final cause: The purpose or end for which something exists or is done.
Potentiality and actuality: Things in the world possess potentiality, which is their capacity to change, develop, or achieve a particular state. Actuality is the fulfillment of this potentiality, the realization of a thing's nature and purpose.
To create a world, one would need to combine matter and form in a manner consistent with these principles, taking into account the four types of causes, as well as the interplay between potentiality and actuality. The world would be a complex, interconnected system of beings and objects, each with their own unique natures and purposes, operating according to the natural laws that govern them.