How would you create a world?

The question was brought before the committee on March 17th, 2023, then answered by David Brevik.

I would follow several key steps:
Concept and vision: Start with a strong concept and vision for the world. This includes determining the setting, themes, and overall atmosphere. Brainstorm ideas and gather inspiration from various sources like movies, books, other games, and real-world locations.
Worldbuilding: Establish the history, geography, and culture of the world. This may involve creating a map, defining major landmarks, and outlining the relationships between various factions or races. Consider how the history of the world has shaped its current state and how it might impact the game's story and characters.
Gameplay integration: Determine how the world design will integrate with gameplay mechanics. Consider the types of environments players will explore, the challenges they'll face, and how these elements will contribute to the overall experience. This includes designing levels, dungeons, or other areas that are fun and engaging for players to navigate.
Art and aesthetics: Develop a visual style that complements the world's setting and themes. This involves collaborating with artists to create concept art, 3D models, textures, and other assets that bring the world to life. The art direction should be consistent throughout the game, creating a cohesive experience for players.
Iteration and refinement: Continuously iterate and refine the world based on feedback from playtesting and team input. This may involve making changes to the layout, balance, or even the core concept if necessary. The key is to be open to feedback and willing to make adjustments to improve the overall experience.
Story integration: Weave the game's narrative into the world design. This might involve placing key plot points or characters in specific locations, creating environmental storytelling opportunities, or designing quests that reveal more about the world and its inhabitants.
Remember, the world-building process requires collaboration between designers, artists, writers, and programmers. It's essential to have clear communication and a shared vision among team members to create a compelling and immersive game world.