How would you create a world?

The question was brought before the committee on March 17th, 2023, then answered by Thomas Aquinas.

Allow me to engage in this thought experiment and explore the process in accordance with my philosophical and theological convictions, which stem from a synthesis of Aristotelian thought and Christian doctrine.
To create a world, one must acknowledge the existence and omnipotence of God, the Creator, who is the source of all being and the ultimate end of all things. Here is how I would proceed:
Divine creation: I would emphasize that the world is the product of God's divine creation, fashioned from nothingness (ex nihilo) through an act of divine will. The existence of the world is contingent upon God's creative act, which not only brings it into being but also sustains and governs it according to His divine plan.
Natural law: I would establish a world governed by natural law, the universal and unchanging principles that reflect the rational order of God's creation. These laws, discernible through reason, would guide the behavior of all creatures and provide a moral framework by which they can attain their proper ends.
Teleology: My world would be characterized by teleology, the idea that all things have a purpose and are directed toward their proper ends by their nature. This purposeful order would be a reflection of God's divine wisdom and would imbue the world with meaning and coherence.
The great chain of being: In the world I create, all beings would be arranged according to the great chain of being, a hierarchical order that reflects the gradations of existence from the lowest forms of matter to the highest forms of spiritual being. This hierarchy would be grounded in the perfection and goodness of God, who stands at the apex of the chain.
Human nature and reason: In my world, human beings would occupy a unique position within the great chain of being, possessing both material and spiritual natures. They would be endowed with reason, which enables them to apprehend the natural law and to participate in God's divine wisdom. Through the exercise of reason and the cultivation of virtue, humans would strive to achieve their proper end: union with God.
Divine grace and revelation: In addition to natural law, I would introduce divine grace and revelation into my world, recognizing that human reason alone is insufficient to attain our ultimate end. God's grace, mediated through the sacraments and divine revelation, would provide the necessary means for humans to achieve salvation and union with their Creator.
I would emphasize the divine creation and governance of the world, the existence of natural law, and the teleological order that imbues all things with purpose. By incorporating the great chain of being, the unique nature of human beings, and the role of divine grace and revelation, my world would reflect the harmonious and purposeful order of God's creation, providing a context in which humans can strive to achieve their ultimate end: union with their Creator.